Men's Evolving Story
The Men's Group forges a crucible of transformation, melding the ancient wisdom of Jung's archetypes with the quest for personal and communal ascension. This fellowship, rooted in the fertile soil of community, we embark on a spiritual odyssey exploring the quintessence of the king, warrior, magician, and lover within. As seekers and sages, the participants intertwine in a dance of mythic alchemy and dualities' harmonious marriage, crafting a living tapestry of purpose, presence, power, and passion.
Amidst this alchemical journey, the men's collective vision blooms like a lotus from the mud — a testament to the transformative power of inner growth as a beacon for outer change. They rise as champions of "being the change," each step an echo in the great societal pond, where the ripple of individual evolution becomes a tidal wave of communal enlightenment. As seasons cycle and oaks from acorns rise, the Findhorn Men's Group stands as a testament to the unwavering belief that the journey of the self is the journey of us all, a symphony of souls in the pursuit of wholeness.
In the sacred circle of this Men's Group, each man's ascension to his own zenith of power catalyzes a collective healing, a rejuvenation that pulses through the heart of the community. The work of the Men's Sacred Counsel, a confluence of individual transformations, extends its reach far beyond the immediate fellowship; it is a healing balm that permeates through the societal fabric and whispers to the very essence of our planet. In their unity, these men weave a narrative of restoration, where the vibrancy of the earth's wellness is rekindled, touched and transformed by the profound unity and purposeful work of the counsel.
14 Principle Concepts Addressed

(1) Being the Change
Embodying transformation for personal and collective evolution.
This concept can be understood in several layers:
Personal Transformation as a Catalyst: The principle suggests that change begins within the individual. It's about taking responsibility for one's own growth and transformation, recognizing that personal evolution can have a ripple effect on the larger community. It's an acknowledgment that external change is often a reflection of internal development.
Embodying Transformation: More than just advocating for change or understanding it intellectually, 'being the change' is about living out the transformation in one's daily life. This involves aligning actions, choices, and behaviors with the values and ideals one wishes to see in the world. It's a form of authentic living and being an example for others.
Collective Evolution: While the principle starts at the individual level, it inherently includes the idea that personal change contributes to and influences collective evolution. As individuals transform, they can inspire and enable change in their communities, leading to a broader social, cultural, and even global evolution.
Interconnectedness of Personal and Collective Growth: This principle underscores the interconnectedness of personal and collective growth. It implies that as we evolve and grow as individuals, we contribute to the evolution of our societies, and conversely, societal changes can promote personal growth.

(2) Re-Wilding the Sacred Masculine
Rediscovering the primal essence, akin to a phoenix rising from ashes of societal norms.
Rewilding the Masculine: This part of the phrase implies a return to a more natural, unrefined state of masculinity. "Rewilding" typically refers to restoring an environment to its natural, uncultivated state. Applied to masculinity, it suggests a move away from the rigid, perhaps overly cultivated or socially constructed ideas of what it means to be masculine. It's about rediscovering and embracing a more authentic, instinctual form of masculine expression that may have been suppressed or lost in modern societal structures.
Rediscovering the Primal Essence: This indicates an exploration or reconnection with the fundamental, perhaps innate qualities of masculinity. It suggests that there are essential aspects of the masculine experience or identity that are universal and timeless, lying beneath the layers of social conditioning and expectation.
Phoenix Rising from Ashes of Societal Norms: The phoenix, a mythical bird that rises renewed from its ashes, symbolizes rebirth, transformation, and resilience. In this context, it represents the rebirth of masculinity from the restrictive "ashes" of societal norms and stereotypes. This metaphor implies a process of burning away limiting beliefs and roles imposed on the masculine identity, leading to a rejuvenation and redefinition of what it means to be masculine.
Cultural and Personal Transformation: The phrase as a whole suggests both a personal journey for individuals identifying with masculine traits and a broader cultural shift. It's about challenging and moving beyond the conventional norms and expectations society often sets for masculine behavior and roles, allowing for a more diverse, liberated, and authentic expression of masculinity.

(3) Personal Development and Community Leadership
Twin pillars supporting the group's dual-mission of personal evolution and communal wellness.
Spiritual Leadership: This refers to the guidance and direction provided by individuals or principles that focus on the spiritual aspect of existence. It's not just about leading in a traditional sense but leading in a way that nurtures and develops the spiritual well-being of individuals. Such leadership is often characterized by qualities like empathy, intuition, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life.
Spiritual Development: This is about the growth and maturation of an individual's spiritual understanding and experience. It involves exploring deeper meanings, connecting with one's inner self, and often, pursuing a path of self-awareness and enlightenment. This development is personal but can have profound implications for how individuals interact with and contribute to their communities.
Twin Pillars: Describing spiritual leadership and development as "twin pillars" highlights their equal importance and interrelation. Just as pillars support a structure, these two elements provide foundational support for the group's goals. They are distinct but interconnected, each reinforcing and enabling the other.
Dual-Mission: Recognizing that the goals of personal growth and communal well-being are not separate endeavors but are deeply intertwined. Personal evolution, fueled by spiritual development, leads to more conscious, compassionate individuals, which in turn contributes to a healthier, more harmonious community. Similarly, a community that nurtures wellness creates an environment where individuals can thrive and pursue their spiritual paths.

(4) Archetypes Interwoven as Core Transform Themes
King (Purpose), Warrior (Presence), Magician (Power), Lover (Passion)
Each archetype represents a different aspect of the human experience and contributes uniquely to an individual's growth and development. Here’s an interpretation of each archetype and its role:
King (Purpose): The King archetype symbolizes leadership, responsibility, and order. In the context of transformation, it represents the discovery and fulfillment of one's life purpose. It's about providing direction, creating structure, and making decisions that align with one's core values and goals. The King within guides individuals to find their rightful place in the world and lead their life with integrity and vision.
Warrior (Presence): The Warrior stands for strength, courage, and discipline. This archetype is about being fully present and engaged in life's battles, whether they are physical, emotional, or intellectual. The Warrior aspect involves facing challenges head-on, being assertive, and standing up for what is right. It’s about harnessing inner strength to overcome obstacles and protect what is important.
Magician (Power): The Magician archetype embodies wisdom, knowledge, and transformational power. It's about understanding the deeper truths of the universe and using this knowledge to bring about change. The Magician taps into inner resources, harnesses creativity, and employs insight to manifest desired outcomes, demonstrating that real power often lies in intellect and intuition.
Lover (Passion): The Lover represents passion, connection, and desire. This archetype is about embracing one's emotions, forming deep relationships, and appreciating beauty and pleasure in all forms. The Lover aspect encourages individuals to connect deeply with others and the world around them, finding joy and fulfillment in these connections.

(5) Mythic Alchemy
Blending mythical imagination with practical application, like an ancient alchemist turning leaden thoughts into golden realities.
Mythic Alchemy: This concept suggests a transformative process that combines elements of myth and story – rich in symbolism and deep meaning – with the practicalities of everyday life. Alchemy, traditionally the medieval pursuit of turning base metals into gold, is used here metaphorically to describe a profound transformation.
Blending Mythical Imagination: The use of 'mythical imagination' implies drawing on the rich, symbolic narratives and archetypes found in myths. These stories and figures embody universal truths and human experiences, providing a deep well of inspiration and insight. Engaging with this mythical imagination allows one to tap into a more profound, archetypal level of understanding and creativity.
Practical Application: This part of the phrase emphasizes the importance of grounding these imaginative, mythical insights in the real world. It's not just about dreaming or contemplating; it's about bringing these insights to life through practical, actionable steps. This can involve applying the wisdom and lessons derived from myths to everyday situations, problem-solving, and personal development.
Turning Leaden Thoughts into Golden Realities: This vivid metaphor captures the essence of transformation at the heart of mythic alchemy. Just as the alchemists sought to transform lead into gold, this process involves transforming 'leaden' thoughts – which could represent limited, unrefined, or negative ways of thinking – into 'golden' realities, or positive, enlightened, and successful outcomes. It’s about using the power of imagination and the richness of myth to catalyze real change and improvement in one's life and environment.

(6) Location as Foundation
Geography of place cradles meaning within reality. It is crucial for nurturing deep-rooted growth and intersessional connection.
Geography of Place as a Cradle of Meaning: This suggests that the physical characteristics and locations where we live and interact are not just passive backdrops but active participants in shaping our realities. Each place holds its own unique narrative, history, and energy, which can significantly impact our perception of meaning and our experiences within that space.
Nurturing Deep-Rooted Growth: Just as plants require the right environment to grow deeply and robustly, humans also need appropriate physical and cultural environments to flourish. This aspect of the phrase implies that the geography of a place can provide the necessary conditions for personal and communal growth, offering stability, nourishment, and a sense of belonging.
Intersessional Connection: This part of the phrase might refer to the way places facilitate connections between people, ideas, cultures, and nature. It implies that geography can act as a conduit for interaction and intersection, bringing together diverse elements in meaningful ways. These connections can be temporal, spatial, cultural, or ecological, creating a rich tapestry of relationships and interdependencies.

(7) Harmonious Marriage of Dualities
A dance between masculine and feminine energies, creating a symphony of balance and wholeness.
Harmonious Marriage of Dualities: This suggests a unification or reconciliation of contrasting elements or energies. In many philosophical and spiritual traditions, the idea of dualities (like light and dark, yin and yang, active and passive) is central. A "harmonious marriage" of these implies a state where these opposing forces are not in conflict but in a complementary and mutually enriching relationship.
Dance between Masculine and Feminine Energies: The use of "dance" as a metaphor indicates dynamic interaction and fluidity. Masculine and feminine energies are traditional archetypes representing a spectrum of traits and qualities. The masculine might encompass qualities like assertiveness, logic, and strength, while the feminine might include intuition, empathy, and nurturing. The phrase suggests an ongoing interplay between these energies, where neither dominates but both contribute to the whole.
Creating a Symphony of Balance and Wholeness: A symphony is an intricate musical piece that harmonizes various instruments and themes into a cohesive whole. This metaphor indicates that the blending of masculine and feminine energies leads to a state of balance and completeness. Just as a symphony's beauty lies in the harmony of its diverse components, the integration of these energies results in a more balanced and whole individual or relationship.

(8) Role as Change Agents
Participants emerging as empowered agents of change, akin to seeds sprouting into mighty oaks.
Role as Change Agents: This positions the participants of a program or movement as active catalysts for change. Being a 'change agent' means taking on a proactive role in initiating or contributing to meaningful transformations. This could be in various contexts, such as social, environmental, organizational, or personal.
Participants Emerging as Empowered: The use of the word 'emerging' suggests a process or journey of growth and development. It implies that through their experiences, participants gain not only new skills and knowledge but also an increased sense of empowerment. This empowerment enables them to effectively enact and influence change.
Akin to Seeds Sprouting into Mighty Oaks: This metaphor beautifully captures the essence of transformation and growth. Just as a small seed contains the potential to grow into a mighty oak tree, participants in their journey as change agents hold immense potential for growth and impact. The seed-to-oak analogy also reflects the nature of change – it's a gradual process requiring nurturing, patience, and the right conditions to flourish.
Implication of Enduring Impact: The mighty oak is a symbol of strength, stability, and longevity. Comparing participants to oaks sprouting from seeds implies that the impact they are envisioned to have as change agents is not only powerful but also enduring. They are being prepared to create lasting changes in their communities and environments.

(9) Wounded Healer
A mystical act of fate, the wounded healer emerges as a transformer of wisdom. Their own scars alchemized into a profound healing that guides others through the labyrinth of renewal.
A Mystical Act of Fate: This phrase indicates that the emergence of the wounded healer is not merely a random occurrence, but a significant, almost predestined event with deep spiritual or mystical significance. It implies that the experiences leading to becoming a wounded healer are part of a larger, meaningful narrative or journey.
Transformer of Wisdom: The role of the wounded healer goes beyond personal healing; they become a conduit for wisdom. Their experiences, particularly those involving pain and healing, enable them to gain insights and understanding that can be transformative for others. They are not just passive recipients of suffering but active transformers of their experiences into wisdom.
Scars Alchemized into Profound Healing: Drawing on the metaphor of alchemy – the medieval science of turning base metals into gold – this part of the phrase suggests that the wounded healer’s past hurts and scars are not merely healed but transformed into something valuable and powerful. Their wounds become a source of strength and healing, not just for themselves but for others.
Guiding Others Through the Labyrinth of Renewal: The labyrinth is a classic symbol of a complex and challenging journey or quest, often leading to a meaningful transformation at its center. In this context, the wounded healer is seen as a guide, helping others navigate their own paths of healing and renewal. They use their wisdom and experience to help others find their way through their struggles, towards a place of healing and rebirth.

(10) Collective Vision Creation
Co-creating a new vision for humanity, like artists painting a shared masterpiece of future possibilities.
Collective Vision Creation: This suggests the process of coming together as a group – be it a community, organization, or even broader segments of society – to conceptualize and design a shared vision for the future. It's about combining diverse perspectives, ideas, and aspirations to form a cohesive and inspiring collective goal or dream.
Co-creating a New Vision for Humanity: This part of the phrase expands the scope of the vision creation to a global level. It's about reimagining the future of humanity itself, considering how we might live, interact, and thrive as a species. This involves deep contemplation and creativity, addressing complex issues like sustainability, equality, and peace.
Like Artists Painting a Shared Masterpiece: Using the metaphor of artists collaboratively painting a masterpiece, this phrase beautifully captures the creative and synergistic nature of collective visioning. Just as artists might blend their unique styles and strokes to create a singular piece of art, individuals within a community contribute their unique ideas and strengths to form a shared vision.
Future Possibilities: The focus on 'future possibilities' implies an open-ended, forward-looking approach. It's about imagining not just what is, but what could be – exploring potential futures that are more just, sustainable, and fulfilling.
Empowerment of Individual and Community: The process of collective vision creation is empowering on two levels. For individuals, it provides a sense of purpose, agency, and connection, knowing that their voice and contributions matter. For the community or collective, it builds a sense of unity, direction, and strength, as people come together around a shared purpose and vision.

(11) Planetary Stuardship
A commitment to communal co-support, reflecting the mutual nurturing of a forest ecosystem.
Planetary Stewardship: This term broadly refers to the responsible management and care of the Earth and its resources. It implies a sense of duty and guardianship over the planet, recognizing that our actions have a significant impact on the Earth’s ecosystems and future sustainability.
Commitment to Communal Co-support: This aspect emphasizes collective action and mutual support within communities. It suggests that addressing environmental challenges and practicing stewardship is not just an individual responsibility but a communal one. Co-support implies that individuals, communities, organizations, and nations work collaboratively, supporting each other in efforts to protect and sustain the planet.
Reflecting the Mutual Nurturing of a Forest Ecosystem: Using the forest ecosystem as a metaphor for planetary stewardship is particularly evocative. Forests are complex systems where each element – from the smallest microorganism to the largest tree – plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and balance of the whole. This comparison suggests that just as elements of a forest ecosystem mutually nurture and sustain each other, humans should also adopt a reciprocal approach to caring for the planet. It emphasizes the importance of balance, interdependence, and the cyclical nature of nurturing and being nurtured in return.
Holistic Environmental Approach: The phrase as a whole suggests a holistic approach to environmental care, one that goes beyond mere conservation or preservation. It's about actively fostering a relationship with the Earth that is based on respect, care, and mutual benefit – recognizing that our well-being is deeply intertwined with the health of our planet.

(12) Societal Impact
Demonstrating the ripple effect of individual evolution on the greater societal pond.
Societal Impact: This term refers to the effect or influence that actions, behaviors, or changes at the individual level can have on society as a whole. It acknowledges that individuals are not isolated entities but are part of a larger social fabric where their actions can have significant implications.
Ripple Effect of Individual Evolution: The use of the "ripple effect" metaphor is particularly telling. Just as a single pebble dropped into a pond creates ripples that expand far beyond the point of impact, individual evolution – personal growth, changes in mindset, behavior modifications – can influence and inspire changes far beyond the individual. This suggests that personal development isn't just a solitary journey; it has the potential to affect others around us, extending to the wider community and society.
On the Greater Societal Pond: Referring to society as a "pond" emphasizes the interconnectedness of individuals within the social ecosystem. Just like in a pond, where each movement in the water can affect the whole body, in society, individual actions and changes can have far-reaching effects. This part of the phrase highlights the collective aspect of social dynamics, where individual and societal well-being are intertwined.
Demonstrating Impact: The phrase suggests not just the existence of this ripple effect but the importance of demonstrating or making visible these connections. It's about recognizing and showcasing how personal transformations contribute to societal changes, thereby inspiring others to also engage in positive personal and social evolution.

(13) Community Tapestry
Strengthening threads of connection within the community weaving a vibrant social fabric.
Community Tapestry: A tapestry is a complex and often colorful fabric created by weaving together different threads. In this metaphor, the community is likened to a tapestry, suggesting that it is composed of numerous interconnected elements – individuals, families, groups, and organizations – that come together to form a cohesive whole. The tapestry represents the social, cultural, and relational aspects of the community.
Strengthening Threads of Connection: Threads in a tapestry are essential for its structure and integrity. In the context of a community, these threads represent relationships, interactions, shared experiences, and bonds between people. "Strengthening threads of connection" implies actively nurturing and reinforcing these relationships to build a stronger, more resilient community. It's about fostering trust, understanding, and cooperation among community members.
Weaving a Vibrant Social Fabric: The act of weaving suggests bringing together diverse elements to create something new and unified. A "vibrant social fabric" implies a community that is dynamic, diverse, and rich in culture and interaction. It's a community where differences are not just tolerated but valued as essential contributions to the overall richness and vitality of the collective.
Implications of the Metaphor: Using the metaphor of a tapestry to describe a community highlights several key ideas. First, it emphasizes the importance of every individual and their unique contributions – just as each thread in a tapestry is vital to the overall design. Second, it suggests that the strength and beauty of a community lie in its diversity and the interweaving of different perspectives and experiences. Lastly, it underscores the idea that building a strong community is an ongoing, collaborative process of creating and maintaining these connections.

(14) Celebrating Wholeness
A festival of integrated wholeness, fostering ongoing growth, living as part of the cosmic cycles of seasons.
Celebration of Wholeness: This suggests an acknowledgment and appreciation of a state of being whole, complete, or unified. It's not just about physical or mental well-being, but about a holistic sense of balance and integration within oneself and with one's environment. Celebrating wholeness implies embracing all aspects of being – the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Festival of Integrated Wholeness: Referring to it as a "festival" evokes a sense of joy, community, and active participation. This part of the phrase suggests a communal celebration or recognition of the importance of integration – bringing together various parts of oneself and one’s community into a harmonious whole. It's about finding unity within diversity, both internally and within the broader social and ecological context.
Fostering Ongoing Growth: This implies that the process of becoming whole or integrated is continuous. It's an evolving journey of self-discovery, learning, and adaptation. Fostering growth means actively nurturing personal development and self-fulfillment, acknowledging that wholeness is not a static state but an ongoing pursuit.
Living as Part of the Cosmic Cycles of Seasons: This phrase connects the concept of wholeness to the larger, cyclical patterns of nature and the cosmos. It suggests aligning oneself with the natural rhythms and cycles of the Earth and the universe, such as the changing seasons, lunar cycles, and other natural phenomena. Living in harmony with these cycles can be seen as a way to maintain balance and integration, both personally and collectively.